Chemical Peels

Effective Chemical Peels in Aurora, CO

face peel cream

Revitalize Your Skin

Chemical peels are popular cosmetic procedures among our patients here at Beyond Skin Dermatology and worldwide. They are frequently offered at dermatology practices like ours to improve skin texture, tone, and clarity diminished by age, acne, or other skin conditions. This treatment involves the gentle application of a chemical solution to the skin, which causes exfoliation of the outer layers of skin that are damaged. Chemical peels are effective for treating a variety of skin concerns, from mild imperfections to more significant signs of aging and sun damage. 

Types of Chemical Peels offered:

  1. Superficial Peels: These peels use mild acids, such as alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs) or beta-hydroxy acids (BHAs), to remove the outer layer of the skin (epidermis). They are great for improving skin texture, reducing fine lines, and enhancing the skin’s overall radiance. Superficial peels done at our office typically require little to no downtime. Multiple treatments may be recommended for optimal results.
  2. Medium Peels: Medium-depth chemical peels penetrate deeper into the skin, reaching the middle layer of skin known as the dermis. These peels typically use trichloroacetic acid (TCA) or a combination of acids to treat deeper wrinkles, sun damage, and pigment irregularities. Medium peels may cause mild discomfort during treatment and require a few days of downtime for recovery as the skin peels and regenerates. 

What to Expect When Getting a Chemical Peel

  1. Consultation: The process begins with a consultation with Dr. Kim or other qualified team member to assess your skin concerns, medical history, and decide whether or not a chemical peel is the best option for you. Dr. Kim will discuss the different types of peels available and recommend the most appropriate option based on your skin type and goals.
  2. Preparation: Before applying the peel, your skin will be thoroughly cleaned to remove any oils or debris. Depending on the type of peel chosen, a pre-peel solution may be applied to enhance the penetration of the chemical solution.
  3. Application: The chemical solution is carefully applied to the treatment area using a brush or cotton applicator. Patients may experience a tingling or mild burning sensation, which subsides as the peel neutralizes. Multiple layers may be applied for deeper peels.
  4. Post-Peel Care: The skin may appear red and feel tight after a chemical peel, similar to a sunburn. Dr. Kim and our staff will provide you with specific post-peel instructions, including skincare products to use and avoid, sun protection measures, and recommendations for managing any discomfort or peeling.

Chemical Peel Results

The results of a chemical peel depend on the depth of the peel and the patient’s skin condition. Superficial peels generally result in smoother, brighter skin with minimal downtime. Medium and deep peels provide more significant improvements in skin texture, tone, and wrinkles, with longer recovery times. Patients can expect gradual improvement in their skin’s appearance as new, healthier skin cells replace the old ones.

Benefits of Chemical Peels

Chemical peels offer several benefits, including improved skin texture, reduced fine lines and wrinkles, diminished acne scars, melasma, more even skin tone, and even pre-cancerous sun damage. They are suitable for all skin types and can be customized to address specific concerns. However, it’s important to follow post-treatment instructions given by Dr. Kim and his team to maximize results and minimize risks, such as infection or hyperpigmentation.


Chemical peels are effective treatments we offer here at Beyond Skin Dermatology to rejuvenate and revitalize the skin’s appearance. Whether you are seeking subtle improvements or more dramatic results, you may benefit from the expertise of our team which specializes in customizing peels to meet individual aesthetic goals. With proper care and maintenance, chemical peels can result in smoother, more radiant skin and renewed confidence.

Interested in learning more about how Beyond Skin Dermatology can help you? Call us at (720) 443 0579 or request an appointment today!